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    College Life [v0.3.9][MikeMasters]


    College Life v0.3.9 by MikeMasters, College Life is a game tries to blend RPG maker game with visual novel. In the environment of college you have almost unlimited possibilities and who didn’t have some sexual fantasies about schoolgirls or teachers, right !? Oh, yeah, this is 18+ content so stay away if it does offend you.​

    Updated: 2022-04-03
    Released Date: 2022-04-03
    Developer: MikeMasters Patreon
    Censored: No
    Version: v0.3.9
    OS: Windows, MacOS
    Language: English
    Genre: 2D game, 3DCG, Male protagonist, Animated, Voyeurism, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, School setting, Romance, Dating simulator, Groping

    1- Download and unpack the game.
    2- Click on “Game.exe” to start playing.
    -added over 230 new images
    -added 7 new animations (over 680 images)
    -added over 180 new image variants of older content
    -added 2 new animation variants for older content (over 520 images)
    -finished side quest “Plug In!”
    -added one big event and one smaller event as part of the side quest
    -added one big event that expands visit to the beach
    -added really small events that expands studying and finding book at library, walking in the city and traveling by the bus (to the beach), plus small expansion during morning study at Kara’s room
    -added 4 new conversation topics tied to the overall content of this update
    -added 2 new songs to the music player and 1 new ambient track to one of the new events
    -edited and updated most (I’ve probably missed some) of older Kara’s events that could be affected by not wearing any underwear (or wearing something else)
    -due to various circumstances it was possible to end up in Kara’s room after midnight, at which point the MC froze indefinitely. Now she asks you to leave as she’s supposed to
    -Jessica was at two different spots at the same time in her bedroom due to missing condition check
    -it was impossible to get any of Joan’s selfies on a day when you’ve already got a selfie from Kara
    -added marker in front of the classroom 201 door, before the very first class starts
    -when talking to Kara, if she says “I’m still thinking about it.” during “How are you without the sweater”, time won’t move anymore, as it’s a super short conversation and it doesn’t make sense
    -sleeping at Jessica’s after a date caused freezing
    -time was moved by two hours onstead of one during first part of Kara’s “First Touches”
    -it was impossible to go with Jane and buy new clothes for MC, if “Planning the Date” part 1 was finished
    -sometimes the game started to lag, after MC picked up Jessica for the threesome date, due to couple of switches being switched in wrong order
    -it was impossible to start Kara’s “Kink Talk” at the blanket thanks to wrong condition check
    -during Joan’s “Date Expansion” MC used condom, even when “Go bareback” was selected

    Actual new content

    Threesome with Jane and Jessica. Now it’s complete 😉
    -added 8 new animations with at least 2 points of view (over 850 images)
    -added 150 new images
    -added 1 animation to Jane’s “Becoming Best Friend” event (another 60 images), plus made it easier to get the sex scene
    -added small conversation at the end of the “Two Plus One Equals…” event to bridge the old content with the new
    -added ‘Planning the Date’ event
    -added ‘Three Is the Way’ event
    -added around 40 music tracks that play during events
    -added 11 songs that play during free roam
    -completely remade title screen
    -remade most of the player’s phone and it’s functionality
    -added music player and ability to control it to the player’s phone
    -(finally) created character sprite for dorm receptionist
    -changed resolution to 1080p as even higher standards have become norm
    -recreated Jane’s “in towel” sprite to be more like in towel and less like in a robe
    -removed “Where are you?” options from messages, as they were superseded with HUD long time ago
    -fixed missing wall shadows in library
    -fixed missing conversation menu in Kara’s “Beach Visit” event after the unique conversations are seen
    -fixed switching between dresses during conversation in Kara’s “Beach Visit” event
    -fixed buying ticket for opera costs no money
    -fix for Jessica’s conversation about her apartment that was never set as seen, so it showed everytime while in her apartment
    -fixed Kara’s status when it gets to the “friends” level.
    -Cerid (2nd signature girl) didn’t recognized player, if he interupted her and Jessica during first visit to the infirmary
    -player will get more massage skill points when repeating the first massage lesson and while the level is “sausage fingers”
    -(hopefully) fixed missing phone button on screen be completely remaking the way the phone is shown
    -Jane’s ‘Locker Blowjob’ event in gym can now be triggered even at time when she’s in women’s locker room
    -fixed Mrs. Anderson’s tab in Characters showing up before meeting her
    -fixed bug during Jessica’s ‘Shower Fun’ event, when cumming inside didn’t happen, ifif the option was presented after certain amount of repetitions
    -during ‘Meeting Penny’ event sometimes images didn’t match the spoken lines. Also time didn’t move after the event ended
    -game now correctly tracks, if you had first unprotected sex with Joan during ‘Afternoon Fun’ event or during ‘Date Expansion’ event
    -side quest ‘One Last Big Gesture’ can be started right after Kara receives her sundress
    -fixed a bug during Joan’s massage, if the first or second massage happened for the first time, when she’s your lover


    added all (over 190) previously not rendered image variants for the content from 0.3.6 version of the game
    added 4 events to the galery (2 for Jessica and 2 for Kara)
    with that, the Becoming Best Friends with Kara has been updated to use the 1st/3rd person view system instead of the original choice menu
    fixed bug in the same event, when after finishing it, game would still act like MC is in Kara’s room, even though he wasn’t


    • added 120 new images
    • added 2 new animatons (another 60 images)
    • added new conversations to Jane and Jessica that starts the next event
    • added new event called “Two Plus One Equals…”
    • added new event called “This Time You Get New Clothes”
    • added new event called “Beach Visit”
    • fixed waiting in Jessica’s apartment, if you have the key to it
    • fixed bug, where HUD didn’t show Kara’s correct location, when she was in the city
    • adjusted Jessica’s schedule to fit Penny’s original schedule
    • when conversation with Kara ends in the library, the images are cleared from the screen in not very smooth fashion
    • when player agrees to workout with Jane for the first time, if player tries to talk to Jane before changing clothes, the hud doesn’t dissapear
    • talking to Jane, while she rest on a bench in the gym can result in “missing” image during the conversation
    • when player visits Jessica in the infirmary, he says that he “read” about the massages, even if the quest is started via the alternative start
    • spying on Jane in dorm bathroom was broken due to wrong conditions, since “No Television Tonight” was added to the game
    • spying on random girls in the dorm bathroom was bugged and only two out of four options were ever shown
    • during 2nd masssage lesson, ability to switch between points of view stayed available, under some conditions, even though it shouldn’t have been
    • it was possible to make Jane cum durring your first sexual interaction due to badly placed condition update
    • text messages to Joan on day 10 are now more fitting the circumstances
    • latest update caused issues when spying on Joan in the bathroom
    • it was possible to fast travel to Crighton Street from Westside before it was intended
    • closet, where MC has his swimming trunks at Joan’s room is now more visible
    • it was possible to get the conversation with Kim reminding MC the talk with Joan, right after the “First Tub with Joan and Kim”, thus being scolded for not doing something just a minute after being told to do something
    • if talked to Joan, and she mentions that she got the job, her new daily schedule kicks in, and she appears at a new location, but the HUD didn’t recognized that
    • it was possible to trigger a script that handles the start of “Covered Skin” side quest, when visiting the boutique with Jane. Upon returning to Downtown alone, the quest would start, even though the trigger conditions wouldn’t have been met anymore
    • it was possible to give Joan her new underwear while wearing swimming trunks or the suit, even though in the scene MC clearly wears his casual outfit
    • when player rode by a bus with Joan, time didn’t change, if player chose to talk to her and then told her “Never mind…”
    • it was possible to trigger “Moving Penny” event early on the moving day, if player entered Jessica’s apartment previous night after midnight
    • Jessica’s 3rd nude photo couldn’t be obtained, unless player just left her apartment at the required time
    • In “Sexual Education”, when MC shows Joan the porn site, time moved by two hours instead of one
    • In “Sexual Education”, time moved even when Joan had no questions. That was unintentional
    • In rare occasion, a kissing skill +1 got stuck on screen, when MC kissed Kara after giving her new dress for the opera
    • There were some reports that first sex with Joan led to a crash. I couldn’t replicate it, but there was a similar bug like in Jessica’s lover event, that I’ve solved, so I’ve added a same solution to the Joan’s event. Hope that helps
    • When Joan tells detective, what happened to her, she says it happened at wrong amount of days ago
    • Added option to throw away condoms to the trash bin MC’s room
    • When buying phone to Samantha, wrong variables are set, causing to receive a notebook on top of the phone when picking up a package
    • When Samantha’s bruises disappear, and MC approaches her during breakfast, he doesn’t notice it, even if it the first time he sees her without the bruises

    added 35 new images total
    2 new selfies from Jane, 4 from Jessica, 1 from Joan, 1 from Kara, and 3 from Samantha
    updated random event with new variants – 3 in the Main Hall, 1 in Campus park, 3 in gym
    new voyeur opportunities, 2 in women’s gym locker room, 1 in stadium locker room, 1 in Mrs. Anderson’s apartment bathroom
    finished Jessica’s free day feature, with new schedule and 3 small events
    drawn new sprites for Penny and Jessica
    This is Penny

    added over 90 new images (there are like 3 or 4 that you won’t be able to see for now)
    added 3 new animations (230 images)
    added new event «Moving Penny»
    added new event «Redeem the Reward»
    added two new conversations that tie to the new events (trigger them, basically)
    updated «Breakfast Time» event at Jessica’s, so you can enjoy it even if you’ve slept over in the suit (even for the very first time, if you play from the start)
    added unique lines to «Shower Fun» and «Breakfast Time» that can be seen on the day of Penny’s moving (highly recommend to sleep at Jessica’s the night before)
    implemented backend logic for future content — Jessica’s free day, and Penny’s daily schedule
    added two small events from Penny’s daily schedule — spying in shower, and checking on her in her bedroom
    fixed bug where an image got stuck on the screen, if player abruptly ended 3rd massage lesson, instead of satisfying Jessica

    added 50 new images
    added 2 new animations (technically 6, which is another 180 new images)
    added beginning of a new side quest called “Plug In!”, You can’t finish it right now, it was an afterthought, but it’ll be good.
    added new event called “Kink Talk”
    added new event called “Beach Visit”, there are two versions of this event – you’ll see
    updated world map, so it a small shoreline
    updated side quest “Hot Tub Entry”, to accommodate changes made by the “Beach Visit”
    added small trigger event that will unlock the beach, just drive the bus towards the sea
    added 3rd massage lesson to the galery (here are the two new animations), and updated it to use the 3rd/1st person system I’ve talked about so much in the past
    fixed bug where clicking on an arrow in 1st person would move forward a text
    readded missing image in achievements, that I’ve accidentaly deleted in previous version
    fixed bug, where MC’s skill would decline after time, even if he improved said skill during that time period

    – added 80 new images
    – added new main quest called “Next Classes”
    with that comes two new classes Math and Political Science (with skills etc.)
    – added new side quest called “The Matchmaker”
    with that comes two events
    – added second signature event that triggers the side quest
    – added a lot of new characters, most noticeble are Mr. Park, Mrs. Brighton, Naraya and Heather
    – added option to work out at gym alone
    – added option to study on MC’s computer and modified option to study at library
    – added a couple of maps that expands the Main Hall and Dormitory
    – modified Player menu to give more information
    – fixed bug where a wrong image was shown at one instance during the event where MC was introduced to Jane

    This month should have been split between Jane and side content. In the end it’s 95% Jane and two selfies for Jessica. I don’t want to spoil it, so I’m not going to say more, but I believe it’s one of the most complicated pieces of content I’ve done since the initial release, technically speaking. So, I hope you like it.

    By the way, guide will be tomorrow, with the graphic pack as well.

    That’s it. Have fun and please comment. I will respond, I promise.


    • added over 450 new images (including 5 new animations from two points of view)
    • added missing animation variants from “Bend Over” event with Kara (183 new images)
    • added new conversation with Jane about the massage in the infirmary
    • added new event “No Television Tonight” in MC’s room
    • added new side quest “A Whole A Hole” tied to the event above
    • added 5 new selfies – 3 with Jane, 2 with Jessica
    • added Joan’s 1st three events to the gallery
    • rerendered part of the Joan’s first event
    • fixed bug, where a player could get stuck in endless loop of message spamming if the player accepted to go with Joan to buy swimsuit at 18:00
    • fixed possible trigger issues with Kara’s “Bend Over” event
    • fixed bug, where turning on/off fullscreen mode in the options menu wasn’t saved
    • while buying a swimsuit with Joan, if you mention tanning issue with the 3rd suit and then suggesting her to buy that suit, the option should be disabled for next round
    • damn it! I forgot to update the credits with the newest high tier supporters. Sorry guys. You’re names will be there in the next update

    added 30 new images
    rerendered 100 images for the Locker Blowjob event with Jane
    added 1 new animation for the same event (4 variants – total of 120 new images)
    The blowjob scene is now available in the gallery
    added two new events with Samantha – Unexpected View and Crying In Bed
    added directional arrows to the 1st/3rd person view system, and it will be utilized at appropriate situations
    finally added all achievements from previous two updates (plus this one)
    fixed bug where an image got stuck on the screen after a conversation with Joan on the Campus bench and/or the talk in the bus ride that immediately follows


    added 50 new images
    rerendered 1st massage lesson (over 40 images)
    added two new animations to the “drunken” sex event with Jane
    added “Super Smart Phone” side quest
    added “Family Dinner” event
    added “Getting Job” event
    updated “Dinner” event for situation when you organize the “Family Dinner” but go to this one instead
    rerendered that “Dinner” event images to match the latest look of Kim and Joan
    added first version of the Gallery mode to the main menu
    updated the look of other custom menus
    updated “Drunken” sex and 2nd massage lesson to utilize latest 3rd/1st point of view system
    updated RPG Maker MV engine to the latest version (may fix some issues with the latest version of MacOS). That caused a change of the save files location. Please read article linked in the download post to import save files to the correct folder.
    fixed issues with missing image during lates Joan’s conversation topics at various locations



    Download For Win/Lin
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    Download For Android (v0.3.7.)


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    Walkthrough (v0.38)
    su_spoiler title=”CG”]MEGA[/su_spoiler]

    Keywords: Download College Life mega, Download College Life walkthrough, Download College Life full version.


    This game is like an iceberg - most of it's content is hidden below the surface so don't judge the book by it's cover! Try it, reach deeper and enjoy cause there's more then you can imagine. You will find very nice girls' models, simple but involving story and lots of skills to use and work on.

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    This game is like an iceberg - most of it's content is hidden below the surface so don't judge the book by it's cover! Try it, reach deeper and enjoy cause there's more then you can imagine. You will find very nice girls' models, simple but involving story and lots of skills to use and work on.College Life [v0.3.9][MikeMasters]