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    The Northwood Lair [v1.35.6][Stratovarius]

    The Northwood Lair Free Download Latest Version Stratovarius

    The Northwood Lair v1.35.6 by Stratovarius, The Northwood Lair Game As a homecoming gift from your loyal henchmen, you are given a beautiful captive to do with however you please. She must do as you wish and satisfy you and the others with her body, obeying your every command for 30 days.

    You must train her well to suit the high-quality needs of you and your men to earn her freedom. Of course, with your expert training regime, Miku may also greatly enjoy her stay while in the company of her captors! With your training, she can become less and less a timid captive and can turn into a seducing pet with a wild, unquenchable lust. Will she earn her freedom, or will she choose to stay and play even more in the depths of your secret lair?​

    Updated: 2024-09-03
    Release Date: 2024-09-03
    Developer: Stratovarius Patreon
    Censored: No
    Version: v1.35.6
    Platform: Windows
    Language: English

    3D game, Animated, Adventure, Male protagonist, RPG, Parody, Slave, Trainer
    1. Unpack
    2. Click on The Northwood Lair ver. 1.33 – Stratovarius.exe to play
    NOTE: This game gives an option to play in RPG mode..

    • Added 2 new H animations
    • Added 2 non-H animation
    • Added 1 Miku Doll to Dollhouse in center platform
    • Added 1 non-H animation to Miku Doll in center platform in Dollhouse
    • Added 2 levers to Dollhouse
    • Added 1 non-H animation to center platform lever
    • Programmed side door operations in Dollhouse
    • Programmed exit door operations in Dollhouse
    • Programmed center platform cell door operations in Dollhouse
    • Programmed center platform lever operations in Dollhouse
    • Added contextual dialogue for when items are in use when attempting to use them
    • Added context for doors for when a door is locked
    • Added 1 additional H animation stage (faster) to Miku Doll Free Use Display in Dollhouse
    • Added blindfold for Free Use Display using accessory system (press [X], then either [A] or to activate the blindfold, press [X] once more to remove)
    • Updated first-person interaction system to now handle user interface menus from items activated in first-person



    • Added 2 new H animations
    • Added 1 new H scene
    • Added 6 new artworks to Dollhouse
    • Added interactions with Miku Dolls on the doll display stage in Dollhouse
    • Fixed missing collision geometry for side room in Dollhouse
    • Created scalable first-person interaction framework

    Phase 3 for The Northwood Lair’s Dollhouse area

    • Added 2 returning non-H idle animations
    • Added 2 returning characters
    • Added Exit button that went missing during Phase 2
    • Added robust bar and dining area decor in Dollhouse
    • Added 28 dining booths to dining area in Dollhouse
    • Added 14 animated, retractable tables between dining booths in Dollhouse
    • Added 8 additional lights to dining areas in Dollhouse
    • Added 2 windows to bar area in Dollhouse
    • Added 2 large glass box displays to Dollhouse, one in each central area respective to the left and right dining areas
    • Added dining area to guided tour in Dollhouse
    • Added interactable, retractable tables to booths in the dining area in Dollhouse
    • Added Miku to glass box display (left dining area) in Dollhouse
    • Added suspended Miku Doll to first retractable table (right dining area)
    • Upgraded Miku Doll free use displays to now wear a ring gag in Dollhouse
    • Upgraded Miku Doll free use displays with body writing (rear end, rear legs) in Dollhouse
    • Added chains and hanging display accessories to main stage in Dollhouse
    • Added hanging chain accessories to basement hatch room in Dollhouse

    – Added 4 new H animations
    – Added 1 new H scene
    – Added 1 new non-H scene
    – Added 2 new voice files
    – Added new character: SeeU, to Prison Cell stage
    – Added new H scene for SeeU x Henchman: Riding, to Prison Cell
    – Upgraded SeeU to parity with all other characters, including the addition of the accessory system


    – Added 8 new H animations
    – Added 2 new H scenes
    – A total of 30 H animations added as part of the 8th anniversary celebration
    – A total of 8 H scenes added as part of the 8th anniversary celebrations
    – Ling Lezheng in the prison cell x follower added 2P DT H scene
    – Added 2P Riding H scene for Akari x follower in prison cell
    – Added scene switching functionality to all currently available 2P scenes of Yue Zhengling x followers in a prison cell
    – Added scene switching functionality to all currently available 2P scenes for Akari x Followers in Prison Cell
    – Enabled accessory system for all scenes added in this update. To use the accessory system: Press [A] on the keyboard for the nipple ring piercing type, for the barbell nipple piercing type, or [X] to delete them all.

    The Northwood Lair 1.29 out

    –Added 4 new H animations
    –Added 1 new H scene
    –Added 2 new voice files
    –Added 2 new SFX files
    –Add the suspended Miku doll to Luka’s bondage lounge
    –Added Suspended H scene to the Henchman x Miku Doll menu of Luka’s Bondage Lounge
    –Adjust the ”Doll Miku” menu text to read “Miku Doll” correctly in Luka’s Bondage Lounge
    –Added the initial version of the H Race UI to the red light district
    –Added a general UI refresh to the red light district to more closely match other UI elements of other scenes in the project
    –Added a viewing menu for the refresh UI of the red light district
    –Added the H Race menu to the updated UI of the red light district
    –Added a travel menu to the updated UI of the red light district
    –Added a few extra cheering male and female audiences to the red light district in H Race mode
    –Added an initial role selection menu for H Race mode (note: before future updates, selecting a role will not be possible)
    –Fixed an issue where the scene fader sometimes did not cover the entire outer edge of the display at certain resolutions

    – [z] (unused, will be used as an activator button)
    – [x] Miku rubs herself (can corrupt herself)
    – [spacebar], [^], Jump
    – [<], [>] Direction for travel, press repeatedly when caught to break free
    – [down arrow] Crouch



    Download For Win


    Shows a lot of promise, i hope the devoloper update this game faster, and also with more content. I hope to see news on this, but i love the concept, and as it is a game demo it is a amazing with a lot of content and makes me wander what is the main story about and AI am dying to play it.

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    Shows a lot of promise, i hope the devoloper update this game faster, and also with more content. I hope to see news on this, but i love the concept, and as it is a game demo it is a amazing with a lot of content and makes me wander what is the main story about and AI am dying to play it.The Northwood Lair [v1.35.6][Stratovarius]