My Best Friend’s Daughter S2 Ep. 7 by CeLaVie Group, My Best Friend’s Daughter is a game about Sub-story of “Room for Rent” with same main male character. A few years earlier, our male character travels to the CeLaVie Islands to spend his vacation with his best friend’s daughter. You are playing the male character, but also have the option to play the female characters. How will you thread your best friend’s daughter?
Instructions how to play this game can be found under toolbox in upper left corner.
When you see an icon in the upper left corner you’ll have the possibility to change character or fly around .
Updated: 2023-07-08
Release Date: 2023-07-08
Developer: CeLaVie Group Patreon – SubscribeStar
Censored: No
Version: Season 2 Epiosde 7
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Other Games: Room for Rent
2. Run
S2 Ep. 6
Episode 6 – Is also straight forward.
S2 Ep. 4
First of all thank you for your interest.
I’m doing my utmost to improve the games every day and I really hope you like episode 4 of ‘My Best Friend’s Daughter’ Season 2.
From this episode I have reintroduced the counter system due to many requests and you can skip between the episodes too, simply by going to the toolbox in the lower left corner at day shift.
Almost 1.300 new images are implemented in this update and 67 bookmarks; however you can find more events as not all of them are counted.
I have tried to make this episode more straight-forward however you still need to read the advises and dialogs
A small hint: You can’t proceed with 1 girl only. Make sure to have a good relationship with all girls – talk with all of them etc. If you just follow the options one by one the game is easy to play.
SE2 – Ep.1
v14.01 public
Episode 14 contains of 47 new bookmarks and almost 700 new images.
v13.03 public
51 new bookmarks – 80 new animations and many images are waiting for you.
Hint system has been removed from gallery and a separate walkthrough system has been implemented.
You can just follow the WT step by step and you’ll be guided through the game if you’re stuck in the game.
A very special thanks to Lukumo who is the person behind the WT’s.
v12.1 Public
Since my first episode of ‘Room for Rent’ my games have undergoing huge improvements and it’s my plan to continue this.
From this episode you can skip a day or a single hour. Please use it wisely as some bookmarks can’t be achieved if you make the wrong skips. Instead – Please follow the skip functions when it’s an option in the game like you’ll see at dinner time.
I have implemented no less than 100 new animations. I hope you like it. I’ll continue to improve the animations in the game and hopefully exchange more and more images with small animations.
Just to let you know – I’m still in a learning process so some of the animations could be better. I’ll try to improve them over the next month. This episode has been the toughest episode to make so far. No less than 18.000 images have been generated before I could make the animations in this episode. Most of the images can’t be used due to various problems.
Please notice that you can still switch between the episodes as you want.
Many new features are now implemented.
In Preferences you can now decide if you want to see hints after gallery is unlocked or you don’t want to see hints at all.
In the gallery you can now lock gallery for each episode and/ or galleries from previous episodes
From toolbox – you can now decide which episode you want to play (This is still in alpha stage so please be aware that errors may/will occur)
Shifting between episodes has been completely rewritten.
From this version you’ll no longer need external save files. You can now generate them by yourself..
Episode 11 has 42 new bookmarks – several long animations and more than 500 new images.
‘My best friend’s daughter’ has now more than 8.000 images – 20 animations and 580 bookmarks
Julia’s dad will arrive – the same will Cindy – let’s see what will happen in episode 11.
There have been many requests for Android version. I have now made an agreement with CaxHub and they will be in charge for the conversion.
Contains Episode 10.
This episode is mainly about Anna – the new girl on the island.
More than 650 new images, 8 new animations and 46 new bookmarks are waiting for you.
*******IMPORTANT **************
The old security system has been disabled, but new in-game security system has been implemented
In order to unlock your personal copy – You need to follow this guide:
· You’ll be notified when it’s time to unlock
· Click on the image in the middle of the very left side of the screen Rock/water)
o You’ll be notified with ‘Thank you’
· Click on the image in the middle of the bottom (Palm leaf only)
o You’ll be notified with ‘Thank you’
· Click on the image in lower right corner (Rock only)
o You’ll be notified that game is successfully unlocked and you can play as you want
· It’s important that you do it in right order – otherwise the game will quit.
This protection will only affect on episode 9 – any previous version is unlocked.
It’s a good idea to visit ‘Other island’ and ‘boardwalk’ several times a day.
Episode 4.13
You have now access to hints and gallery for episode 2 to 4. Just click the icon in the lower left corner.
If you want to replay the game and want to have access to hints you’ll need to delete your persistent file from game folder \game\saves. You also need to remove persistent file form c:\\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Renpy\My best friends daughter.
Never use TAB or any other skipping function – you’ll never be able to succeed. Keep an eye on the upper left corner when you play. Once an icon appears – you need to decide if you’ll follow the person/fly or just continue.
If you go to the Toolbox and select ‘Game mechanics’ you’ll be able to replay the instructions and how the level of shy, love and horny works.
The gallery and hint system is in its very early state. Bugs may/will occur however It’s under constantly improvement.
Episode 2.16 Public
Instructions how to play this game can be found under toolbox in upper left corner. This is replay of the instructions from the beginning of the game. This guide will tell you how to use the fly and MC icons and how the ‘points’ are working.
Episode 1
Initial Release
As of game version 13, and onwards? – This game no longer has a Hint or Walkthrough system.
–Season 2 – episode 7-
I have also included a Bug-Fix mod intended to be used separately for anyone who doesn’t want the walkthrough. This is intended to be installed on it’s own, and if you try to install it over the walkthrough, it will break the game. If you choose to use the walkthrough, that is all you will need because, the Bug-Fix is already part of the walkthrough.
EDIT 25/02/24: I fixed an issue which caused the night time shower events in episode 3 being impossible to do and leading to a ‘This is a bug’ message by making the game look for the correct variable (thanks to LaVale for pointing it out).

-Season 1-
For anyone who isn’t already aware, I designed it so that every feature is optional, for example, If you only want a bug-fix, just keep the walkthrough options turned off (see the screenshots or changelog for more information).
If you have loose scripts in the ‘game’ folder back-up any .rpyc files and move any .rpy files elsewhere to ensure it will work as intended. (unless they’re files from a previous version of the mod, in that case, feel free to overwrite them)
EDIT – May 23, 2023 – The mod is 100% Complete, so this will be the last update to it unless anyone discovers any issues that need fixing. As usual, all information is in the changelog.
EDIT – July 22, 2023 – I re-uploaded the mod after making a fix for episode 8 – Event 36 as pointed out by Dole. If you already have the mod installed, you will only need the ocean.rpyc file. There is more information in the changelog.
– unren game
– open …/game/main.rpy
– delete “if” block from row 5 to row 10
– save the file, restart the game and load your save
The old security system has been disabled, but new in-game security system has been implemented
In order to unlock your personal copy – You need to follow this guide:
· You’ll be notified when it’s time to unlock
· Click on the image in the middle of the very left side of the screen Rock/water)
o You’ll be notified with ‘Thank you’
· Click on the image in the middle of the bottom (Palm leaf only)
o You’ll be notified with ‘Thank you’
· Click on the image in lower right corner (Rock only)
o You’ll be notified that game is successfully unlocked and you can play as you want
· It’s important that you do it in right order – otherwise the game will quit.
This protection will only affect on episode 9 – any previous version is unlocked.
It’s a good idea to visit ‘Other island’ and ‘boardwalk’ several times a day.
Another way is to open the console and change the varaible (for opening console use first unren and than press shift+o ingame)
readings=0 to 1
yellow=0 to 1
unlock=0 to 1
1. play new game from ep2 save or 2. start new game and jump when you see this picture , click on toolbox for jump (skip ep mod)
ok I try again and no problem with ep7 14.00 living room event 7 with save 7-4 lt1 from discord
and form jump
1. backup
– C:\Users\you user name\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\My best friends daughter
– and save game in your game folder
2. delete all file in save folder and My best friends daught folder in AppData
3. put save 7-4-lt1.save to your save game folder
4. start game and load or start and skip episode
if can’t load game > go to game folder (Mybestfriendsdaughter-12.1-win\game) > do same 2-3 and delete *.rpcy all
start game and load game again
for clear some variable
-Version 13.03-
Last game with the Hint and / or Walkthrough system.
Recommended for new players.
Keywords: Download My Best Friend’s Daughter Game.